Friday, January 23, 2015

Dusty By Jordan

Dusty is an 11 year old chinchilla and lives at Zooniversity. He is supposed to live in the snowy mountains. Dusty is a nocturnal animal they got him because they were killing his family for fur coats. They eat raw potato skins. He is one of the cutest animals I've ever seen.

Owl Monkey by Connor

At  Zooniversity we saw an owl monkey named Darwin. They told us that he was four months old. He was hopping around every where. In the wild they eat fruit. You have to be quiet because he was just a baby. I wish we can see him again.

Longstar Luke by Valerie

At Zooniverity we saw a ground hog also known as a woodchuck.His name was Longstar Luke.He lived on a farm but him and his brothers got stuck in a hole.A man found them and sent them to Zooniversity.They sent his brothers back home but he got attached to Zooniversity!He is nocturnal so they give him sweat potato slices to be in the show.

Desert Fanning Fox by Marielsie

 Zooniversity has lots of animals. But only one type can run 30 miles per hour. That's a Desert Fanning Fanning Fox named Tasha! She lives in the desert that barely has any water! She hunts for food by listening for her prey under ground. She hunts at night for her food at night because it's very cool. She's very popular because she never missed a show. Tasha is 12 years old. Her fur color is brown mixed with white. She has long ears so she could listen well at night. Zooniversity has lots of animals.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Science Fair Project

This year our class Science Fair project was on gummy bears. We chose 4 clear liquids to place gummy bears in. We wanted to see which liquid created the biggest change in the mass and length of a gummy bear.

Each student helped with this activity and played an important part in the data collection, analysis, and research. The entire project was completed by the students and we all had a great time.

Here are some photographs for our project.

This was a tricky experiment because there were so many students helping. Similar to "too many cooks in the kitchen". I'm so proud of my class and all of their hard work! You all did an AMAZING job!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Math-Creating Polygons

In Math we are working on a unit in geometry. Students are expected to name, classify, and sort 2-dimensional shapes by their attributes. Today we focused on polygons. We learned that a polygon is a 2-dimensional shape that has 3 or more sides and is a closed figure.

Students were given construction paper to cut into strips that would represent sides. Students created different polygons and then they had to walk around the classroom to see if they could recognize each polygon and describe it by using it's attributes (sides, vertices, and angles).

Here are just a few of the polygons that were created by our class.


  • triangle
  • rectangle-also a quadrilateral 
  • square-also a quadrilateral 
  • trapezoid-also a quadrilateral 
  • rhombus--also a quadrilateral 
  • pentagon
  • hexagon
  • heptagon
  • octagon
  • nonagon
  • decagon
  • 11-gon
  • dodecagon

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back in the Past-Dress Up Day

Students came prepared for our dress up day. I loved all of the creative costumes.