Thursday, June 4, 2015

Last Day of School

Our morning started off with our last Stampede.

Afterwards, we headed outside to watch kickball. Teachers vs. 4th grade.

We had a delicious lunch outside from the McClure Dad's, PTO, and Room Moms. THANK YOU!!!!
 Their favorite was the snow cones!

We came back inside and cleaned out our desks, signed yearbooks, and chatted together.

At the end of the day we lined the hallway for the 5th grade walk before heading outside for the flag ceremony.

And then I announced the Awesome Owl of the Year...way to go!!!

It went by waaaaay too fast! I wish we had more time together! The last day of school is always bittersweet for me. I always treat each new class as if they are my own children. I call them "my kids" and we grow as a family all year long. I've seen their ups and their downs. We have laughed and cried together. I've been with them for an entire year working on challenging academics to see them achieve great success. 

This group of students are so talented. They are funny, kind, helpful, smart, silly, compassionate, and responsible. They came into 3rd grade with no clue what the year would be like. More rigorous standards, higher expectations, and new vocabulary. They worked hard this year and have grown so much!

The best part about being a teacher is knowing that you helped a student master a skill they struggled with. Watching them move past anxiety and fear to see that they are capable of greatness. Seeing their face light up when they finally grasp a concept they struggled with. I have seen it so many times this year that it fills my heart with joy and helps keep me motivated to do more for them. 

I am so thankful for each and everyone of these kids. They have all helped me become a stinger teacher and a better parent. They have taught me just as much as I have taught them. I will miss this first class I have taught at McClure. 

"Owl always remember you!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Stuffed Animal & Favorite Book

The class had a great time reading to their stuffed animals. It was so sweet listening to them share about their animals and books. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Game Day

The class enjoyed spending some quality time together playing board games. I love listening to their conversations and seeing how close this group of kids has become this year. They are AMAZING!!!