Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Zooniversity: Oscar written by Analia

Have you ever seen a possum? I have. His name was Oscar.Oscar is a Virginia possum. Oscar was found in the Galleria parking garage. He was only a baby.
A lady found him on the sidewalk and then gave him to Zooniversity. Oscar is an oportunistic carnivore. That means he can eat anything. He can probably eat anything because he has 50 teeth. I think Oscar was really cool.He was my favorite animal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Zooniversity: Sampson by Ryan W.

Have you ever met a bull frog that eats meat?  I have and his name is Sampson. This cool amphibian is from jungles in East Africa. Sampson hides in mud to hunt his prey.  Did you know he squeezes his eyes to eat his food? Thank you for learning about Sampson. Bye!

Zooniversity: Tex by Ella

Have you ever heard of a snake with rear facing fangs? Well, Tex does ! Tex is a Western  Hognose snake . He eats frogs and toads .  To defend himself he pretends he's a rattle snake, cobra,or a dead snake. Tex used to live in West Texas but now he lives at Zooniversty.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Historical Figure ELM Launch

To launch our next ELM project on Historical Figures, the 3rd grade teachers dressed up as a significant individual for a living museum presentation. The kids loved it and we had a lot of fun (and lots of laughter) presenting to the students.