Thursday, February 11, 2016

Fern's Fair

As a culmination for finishing the book Charlotte's Web in Reading and our simple machine unit in Science, we held our Fern's Fair. Each student created a simple machine fair game at home and then took turns working and playing games. We also had face painting, temporary tattoos, an estimation jar, and a spinning a web game. 

Everyone and a wonderful time. We were impressed with the creativity and effort that was used to create their games.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Charlotte's Web-Summary + Vocabulary

We have been reading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White for the past few weeks. The students are fully engaged with this book and have been perfecting their summary skills while learning new vocabulary. We created a poster in the hallway to display their work.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

ELM-Historical Figure Living Museum

For this ELM, students researched different historical figures, wrote a speech, and performed a living museum for their 1st grade buddies. They and a great time and did an amazing job. Half of the classes were upstairs in the 3rd grade hallway and the other half were downstairs in the 1st grade hallway.

Here are some photos from their living museum.