Thursday, April 28, 2016

STAAR Olympics are here!

Today we had our Olympic Opening Ceremony. Each class paraded around the playground like the Olympic athletes do. We pledged the Olympic Oath. We also had Mrs. Raleeh and Mrs. Hafner speak to the students about doing their personal best and having perseverance. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

ELM-Economics Sharing

Our students shared their learning of economics with the 5th grade students at school. They created their products and then sold them. They and to keep track of their profits, make a budget, and adjust their pricing due to supply and demand. They did a fantastic job!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Poetry Contest Honorable Mention

It is great to see students being recognized for their academic talents. I was able to watch one of my students read her poem, The Monster, to hundreds of people at the Mockingbird Poetry Contest. I'm so proud and amazed at the talent that comes from such young individuals!


Thursday, April 7, 2016


This month students are using their knowledge of economics to create a product or service to sell to students at school. They are currently in the Create stage of the ELM project. It has been so fun to watch them think of a product they can make that students would want to buy. Such creative kids!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Special Olympic Athlete Send-off

We had a great send-off for our Special Olympic Athletes during our Stampede this morning. We can't wait to hear how they did! Go Marshals!

Our two Student Council representatives get to go help and assist with the event today. I'm sure they will have fun!