Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Game Time

We had a reward to bring board game or card game to school. They enjoyed this fun time!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Poem by Ella

My Childhood is a Dot
By Ella


A dot is on your paper,
It's plain, black, and boring.
Look closer,
Do you remember your mom's black hair and your dad's black shirt?
Do you remember your dog's black fur you used to pet?
Look even closer,
Remember getting bullied on the 24th day of school?
And you and your sister fighting?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Field Day

Today we had a beautiful afternoon for Field Day. Students partnered up and enjoyed an hour and a half of fun. They had a blast! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers and Coach Hood & Coach Ross for planning such a wonderful event!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Field Trip to the Planetarium

Our 3rd graders went to the University if Texas in Arlington today. They enjoyed cool movie about outer space, had lunch on campus, and were dazzled by a magic show.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Countdown to Summer

This year we are taking the last 12 days of school and doing a fun countdown. I wrote a fun activity to do and placed it inside a balloon. Each day we pop the balloon to see what our fun activity is. Today we had a paper fight. The kids had a blast! It was a nice way to spend 5 minutes at the end of the day.


After we finished our book The One and Only Ivan, the students gathered in small groups to create a poster.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

STAAR is done!!!

This is a celebratory photo after we completed our first STAAR testing. Students did a great job and can now relax. Thank you for all of those who helped prepare these kiddos for success!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Olympic Finals + Closing Ceremony

Olympic Final Competitions

This morning we hosted the final competitions. The 1st place winners from each of the 6 classes competed to earn gold, silver, or bronze medals. The students had a great time and were excellent cheering for their peers.

 Partner Relay Finalists

 Discuss Finalists

Bobsled Finalists

Javelin Finalists

100m Dash Finalists

Closing Ceremony + Awards

After Specials we had our closing ceremony and announced the winners for each competition. We are so proud of all our student athletes.

Here are all of the gold, silver, and bronze winners from our class. :)