Thursday, September 25, 2014


This year's FUN RUN Fundraiser was a HUGE success!

Thanks to all of the family members who helped raise money for our amazing school! It was a hot day to be running, but the students were excited about it. The Specials Team did a wonderful job keeping everybody moving with their great music. Thank you to Jessica House and the other parents who came to volunteer and help cheer on our students.

Here is a class picture after the FUN RUN! I love my class! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

College Spirit

This is our College Awareness week at school. Today students and staff dressed up in their favorite college colors or attire. It was so fun to see their favorite colleges. We've been watching videos about different colleges here in Texas. The students are learning about each college traditions, campus life, and the benefits of working hard and furthering their education.
Gooooo Beavers!

Math: Addition with Regrouping

This week we have been focusing on addition with regrouping (carrying). Below, students were asked to create addition problems that did need regrouping and that didn't. They had to come to the realization that they need to look at the numbers in each place value column to see if its sum was 10 or greater. They came up with their own addends and had to solve for the sum.

Reading: Sarah Plain and Tall

During Reading we are doing a book study on Sarah Plain and Tall. During the chapter for today, the younger brother, Caleb, made up a funny song about woolly ragwort. The class thought it was hysterical and began to sing it. 

They asked if it could be shared for the blog so here it is:

Workout Wednesday

This morning we had a Workout with Coach Hood during announcements. It is great that McClure is so focused on a  healthy lifestyle and making good choices.

Here is a little clip of the class during the workout.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Character: Teamwork

Mr. Traylor came to visit our class today. He talked with our class about the importance of teamwork. He showed them a video about the different character strengths and did an activity to build teamwork amongst the class. 

Friday, September 12, 2014


In our class the students earn tickets for good behavior, following directions, helping each other, taking initiative, working hard, etc. 

They save their tickets up all week long and on Fridays they get to trade them in for passes. The class is very excited about it. We had our first Ticket Trade-in and it was a success. Some students chose to hold onto their tickets to save them up for a larger pass while others chose several smaller passes.

I feel like I am handing out tickets all day, these kids are amazing! I am so lucky to have the group of kids in my class. Here is a poster that shows what they are able to earn for their great behavior and positive choices.

  5 Tickets= Super Supplies & Line Jumper Passes
10 Tickets= Hat & No Shoes Passes
15 Tickets= No Homework & Lunch with a Buddy Passes
20 Tickets= Pet Shop & Show & Share Passes

Indoor Recess

Today the weather was "cold" and rainy so we had our first indoor recess. Our class paired up with Ms. Christy's class inside to play some games. The kids did a great job sharing, taking turns, and following directions.

Math: Coins

Students were partnered up into groups. They went around the classroom and found baggies with coins in them. Their objective was to count the coins and find the overall value. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014


In honor of all of the heroes out there...

Thank you Mrs. Stanley for the beautiful work. So happy to have so many heroes here at McClure!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Math: Comparing & Ordering Numbers

This week in Math we are working on comparing and ordering numbers. For practice, students were paired up and had a baggie with numbers and a die. They rolled their die and depending on the number they either ordered the numbers from least to greatest OR greatest to least.

I snapped a few photos of students while they were working.

Social Studies: Important People in History

This week we have been discussing important people in History. To help build our Teamwork skills (this month's character trait) I had table groups work together to read about a person form history and write down their important facts. They will be presenting the information to the class later this week.

I am so excited when I see how well they work together. I know it will be a wonderful year! 

Benjamin Banneker 

 Clara Barton

 Benjamin Franklin

Pierre-Charles L'Enfant

Daniel Boone

Monday, September 8, 2014

Grandparent's Lunch

Today we had our Grandparent's Lunch at school. It was so nice to celebrate these amazing men and women and all that they do to help out our students.  Thanks for taking the time to join your meant so much to them!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Social Studies: Collin McKinney

During our Social Studies unit on Collin McKinney, we learned a lot of information about the man who our city is named after. Here is a list of info we found in the book Collin McKinney