Friday, September 12, 2014


In our class the students earn tickets for good behavior, following directions, helping each other, taking initiative, working hard, etc. 

They save their tickets up all week long and on Fridays they get to trade them in for passes. The class is very excited about it. We had our first Ticket Trade-in and it was a success. Some students chose to hold onto their tickets to save them up for a larger pass while others chose several smaller passes.

I feel like I am handing out tickets all day, these kids are amazing! I am so lucky to have the group of kids in my class. Here is a poster that shows what they are able to earn for their great behavior and positive choices.

  5 Tickets= Super Supplies & Line Jumper Passes
10 Tickets= Hat & No Shoes Passes
15 Tickets= No Homework & Lunch with a Buddy Passes
20 Tickets= Pet Shop & Show & Share Passes

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