Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Party

The last day before winter break was so busy, but So much fun!!!! We started off with a stampede assembly. The choir helped lead holiday songs. Mrs. Upvall did a great job getting everyone excited and in the spirit.

After the stampede was over, we took a class picture with our pajamas. I LOVE this tradition!!!


We came back to our beautifully decorated classroom. I would like to thank Mrs. House for not only setting up our classroom, but she also decorated Mrs. McAnally's class too! THANK YOU!!!

Students were excited for their treat and holiday crafts. We listened to holiday music, chatted, and enjoyed each others company.


Several parents popped in to help us celebrate.


After Specials, we had a fun treat for the students. Mrs. Raleeh came to our class to read one of her favorite stories. Ms. Christy's class came in to join us. It was a great books and the kids were so excited to have our principal in our class.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fern's Fair

Third Grade's Annual Fern's Fair was a BIG success! Student created wonderful (and fun) simple machine fair games. Each one was unique and the students had a blast getting to try them all. 

This was an activity where we integrated our Reading unit on Charlotte's Web and our Science unit on simple machines.  The class loved both units and found it to be very enjoyable.

The entire day was devoted for our fair and students went through rotations to either "work" or "play" the games. We also and an extra room with some fun activities.

Here is a photo of each student with their fair game.

Our awesome class took a group picture before the fun began.


Our first rotation was in the extra room. There was an estimation jar with plastic spiders, face painting by some of our awesome volunteers, temporary tattoos, and a photo booth.

Another class picture with the photo booth props.


We then came back to our class for a rotation of working our fair games. Other third grade students came in to play. Students explained the rules of their games and the told them about the simple machines they used to create them. This was a lot of fun for everyone.


The 3rd grade team took a quick photo.


After all of the rotations were complete, students gathered in the hall for a Fern & Avery look-alike parade. It was fun to see so many students in costumes.

 One student from each class won a DVD of the movie Charlotte's Web for a close guess for the estimation jar. Here is our winner!