Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Teeth Defenders by Kylie and Valerie

Today we watched a dental health video. It's about four kids, a dog, and two dentists. They live in a kid's mouth which is called Tooth City. Tooth City is being attacked by sugar monsters. So the kids and a dog help save their city. They used their super powers which are floss, tooth brush, and two toothpaste. They work together to take all of the sugary gumdrops and soda. They had to clean extra hard to get the germs off which is made by mixing the sugary gumdrops and soda. Then they finally cleaned the city. The sugar monsters left Tooth City and the town was happy, and their teeth was safe.The sugar monsters attacked Tooth City. The four kids defeated the sugar monsters. Tooth City was safe again.

You should floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should brush your teeth for at at least two minutes so they will stay clean. It is very important to brush your teeth so you won't get cavities. You should change your toothbrush every three months, when it gets worn out, or when you're sick you should get you a new toothbrush and if you don't you would be putting germs back into your mouth. Plaque routines your teeth and puts germs in your mouth.

Video link: http://www.colgate.com/app/BrightSmilesBrightFutures/US/EN/Program-Materials/Kids-Games/Meet-Our-New-Tooth-Defenders.cvsp

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