Friday, April 17, 2015

Olympics: Our 1st place competitors

Here are our 1st place winners who will be competing against all of the other 3rd grade classes in the final competition. Good luck, athletes!!!

 Here are our 2 Partner Relay winners.

Long Jump (left) and Discus Winners (right).

Bobsled (left) and 30 meter dash (right) winners.

Olympics: Bobsled (Scooter) Races

The class had a blast with our "bobsled races" this afternoon. It was a perfect activity to end our week long Olympic team building events. I am so proud of my students for cheering everyone on and always putting in 100% when they competed. It was wonderful watching them congratulate a classmate, even when the winner bumped them out of 1st place.

I am so grateful and humbled by my students and their wonderful character. This week they showed teamwork, grit, perderverence, honesty, curiosity, and compassion. I am going to miss these kids next year when they move on to 4th grade.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Olympics: Discus toss

Today's Olympic event was the discus toss. We used frisbees to see how far we could throw them. Here is our before shot.

 Here is where all of their frisbees landed in our after shot.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Olympics: 30 meter dash

Here is our "before pic" for today's Olympic event, the 30 meter dash. Since the weather was not cooperating with us, we had to hold this event indoors. Thankfully we planned to compete while 4th grade was at Specials so we wouldn't have too much distraction.

These kids are VERY fast! I was surprised to see them move so quickly, especially since they are not normally allowed to run in the hall. I'm glad that they are responsible students and I know I can trust them to make good choices.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Olympics: Long Jump

The weather did not want to cooperate today so our first Olympic event was held indoors. This didn't phase our class. They did a phenomenal job at the long jump today.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Olympics: Opening Ceremony

Today we kicked off our 3rd grade Olympics with an opening ceremony. Students paraded around the playground and then met at the :stadium" to head a speech from Ms. Christy.

We talked about all of the character traits we've learned throughout the year and the hard work they have put in while learning. They are very similar to Olympic athletes. We will have students compete in 5 events:

  • 30 meter dash
  • partner relay race
  • long jump
  • discus toss
  • bobsled (scooter) race
One athlete from each 3rd grade class will compete in the finals on Monday, April 20th. Good luck, athletes!

Character Trait: Curiosity

Each month our school focuses on a specific character trait. We have discussions about each character trait during our Community Circle time. This month we are focussing on Curiosity.

We talked about how being curious about things can help us grow and learn. I asked for each student to think of a topic that they were curious about. Then they wrote it on a poster in the classroom. Today we used our weekly computer time to do some research about their chosen topic.

Some students had general topics and others were more specific. We found that the general topics were often more difficult to get specific information. Students narrowed down their topics (dogs>huskies).

They spent some time learning more about their chosen area and had a lot of fun. I'm hoping that we can get some more time to continue this process. Ask you child which topic they were curious about, and hear some pretty interesting facts!

Class topics:
Carly Patterson
Golden Retrievers
Snow Owls
Solar System


This week we have been promoting PACK (Pack Assorted Colors for Kids) Program. This encourages students to tried a variety of assorted fruits and vegetables. Each day students are asked to wear a specific color and pack a healthy snack that also matched that color. Here is a class picture on red day...I just love this group!

Special Olympics

MISD student participated in the 10th annual Special Olympics today. All of 2nd and 3rd grade met outside to cheer on the athletes from our school. 

Congrats to all of the athletes. Way to go Marshals!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Math: Multiplication Review

This week we have been reviewing all of the learning standards. Today I tools about 40 plastic eggs and placed multiplication word problems inside them. I and a few students help "hide" them in the classroom before students entered. 

The kids LOVED this and worked for an entire hour solving problems. They enjoyed this activity and got so much practice in. I'm so proud of my hard workers!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Social Studies: Communication Review

Today students reviewed information for our Communication assessment. Students worked in small groups to discuss timelines, important individuals who used communication to help others, and facts from communication tools from the past to present.