Friday, April 10, 2015

Character Trait: Curiosity

Each month our school focuses on a specific character trait. We have discussions about each character trait during our Community Circle time. This month we are focussing on Curiosity.

We talked about how being curious about things can help us grow and learn. I asked for each student to think of a topic that they were curious about. Then they wrote it on a poster in the classroom. Today we used our weekly computer time to do some research about their chosen topic.

Some students had general topics and others were more specific. We found that the general topics were often more difficult to get specific information. Students narrowed down their topics (dogs>huskies).

They spent some time learning more about their chosen area and had a lot of fun. I'm hoping that we can get some more time to continue this process. Ask you child which topic they were curious about, and hear some pretty interesting facts!

Class topics:
Carly Patterson
Golden Retrievers
Snow Owls
Solar System

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