Friday, May 22, 2015

Field Day

Field Day is one of the most popular events here at school. Coach Hood and Coach Ross put together so many fun events and parents and other volunteers make the event happen. Thanks to everyone who assisted in helping our students have an amazing day!

We started with an indoor lunch. Students ate in the classroom and hallway since the weather was not ideal for an outdoor picnic.

After lunch students partnered up and headed outdoors to see which events they would get to participate in this year.

I had to take a class photo BEFORE all of the water activities.

We started at station #3 and then students would rotate with their partner through all of the stations as soon as they completed them. The kids loved this!

We lined up to head inside before the rain came. We got inside just in time!

Everyone enjoyed hanging out while snacking on a delicious otter pop. Thanks again to everyone who assisted in helping put this wonderful event on for our student body.

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