Friday, October 31, 2014

Farewell, Addison!

My sweet Addison is moving and had her last day of school today. The class is really going to miss her. She needed to turn in her Library books and while she was gone I called the Library and asked them to keep her busy for 5-10 minutes...we had a surprise.

While she was gone, each student drew her a picture or wrote her a note. We compiled it into a book so she could remember us. We then got "back to normal" and pretended that nothing happened. When she came back to her desk, she saw the book and a few small trinkets that her classmates gave her. She was surprised! :)

We had a community circle where we shared all of the wonderful things about her. My class had sooooo many things to say. We will miss the kind, helpful, sweet, caring, smart, responsible, respectful, helpful friend!

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