Thursday, October 30, 2014

Social Studies: Economics--Budgeting

We have started an Economics unit for Social Studies. We have been going over the new vocabulary a lot in reading, writing, math, and social studies. Today we talked about budgets. Students were divided into groups and each group had a different budget sheet. They then had to add up their money to find out their total spending money. Groups found that they could not purchase certain items because they did not have enough money.

Some groups wanted to buy video games, but there was a separate price for the controllers. We had a discussion about this and they came to the realization that they would need to purchase both items in order for it to work.

Some students found that they could purchase a lot of smaller price items ($0.50 candy bars) and a few more expensive items ($19.00 jeans). It was great getting to hear their conversations as they chose which items they would buy and which ones they would pass on.

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