Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Classroom Set-up 2015-16 School Year

One of my favorite things to do is get my classroom set up. I get great ideas from other teachers' classrooms and Pinterest. This year I will be teaching 3rd grade in the same room as last year so I already had an idea of the floor plan. Plus, I've been creating rough sketches all summer to help me organize my space and furniture. 

Here is a BEFORE picture...everything is all bundled together in the center of the room. It looks so large with the empty walls and free carpet space. That all changes as I move desks into groups and create a comment circle spot on the carpet.

I came into the classroom and spent close to 5 hours moving and organizing items. It is starting to look like it could be ready for students to learn inside of it. This year we will be departmentalized and I will be teaching ELAR (English Language Arts) and Social Studies. I need to get bulletin boards put up and re-organize my ELAR materials. I keep finding Math items that I will not need this year.

Here is a WORK IN PROGRESS picture. It is looking pretty good.

I am eager to get 2 new groups of students, but I will definitely miss my class from last year. They were AMAZING!!!

I'm so excited for Meet the Teacher Night next week...eeekkkk! 

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