Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First few days...

I am SO excited to finally meet my students. They have been such a blessing and are so sweet. I know that this will be wonderful year! Here are a couple pictures from activities we have done...there are MANY more that were not taken. It has been such a busy 2 days.

During our Community Circle on the first day of school we talked about our "Classroom Expectations". I asked my students what they think the classroom rules should be in order for them to be successful in 3rd grade. Here is a list they compiled. 

We also created a class pictograph during Math. We talked about the possible ways to get home after school. I gave each student a small piece of paper to draw how they were getting home (on the 1st day of school). We then discussed how we could organize and sort our data to create a graph.

After building the graph, we discussed and analyzed it. We use "By" and "Between" statements.

  • "By looking at the graph, I can see that the Bus Riders had the most number of students."
  • "Between Car Rider and Walk-Ups, there is a difference of 2."

Today we had a Read Aloud to the book Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians. I absolutely LOVE getting to read aloud to the class. They enjoyed the story and made connections between the original Goldielocks & the Three Bears.

We also discussed some of the basics: Main character, Setting, Problem, Solution/Ending.

I am eager to see all of the great learning that we will get to do together this year! Thanks to all of the parents for their support and teamwork! This will be a wonderful & successful year!

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